The First Step In Pelvic Floor Physio ACT AU

By Carolyn Miller

The pelvic floor is an incredibly important part of female anatomy. For the first few decades most women don't even consider it and just rely on it faithfully. However, it is one of those things that you quickly realise just how important it is once things start to go wrong and you need pelvic floor physio ACT AU.

The pelvic floor is not just about bladder control. It also plays an important role in sphincter control, sexual activity and day to day movement. If you have a problem with it, it can quickly take over your life and stop you from doing a great deal. Once you have strengthened the area you will notice a vast difference in confidence.

Bladder control is often taken for granted, but women who have weak muscles or who have given birth will quickly develop problems in this area, usually involving urination. The feeling of not having complete control over the bladder is particularly unnerving and many women will stop performing normal activities or even leaving the house because they are embarrassed because of it.

Sexual function is an important part of our lives and a weak pelvic floor can seriously affect sex life. When the muscles are weak and lose the woman loses feeling down there and has more difficulty reaching orgasm. It is surprising just how much of a difference the strength of these muscles can have on sexual satisfaction and function, for both partners.

Exercise can be very stressful for women struggling in this area. Even with relatively gentle exercise they can find that the physical stress causes mild incontinence. Some movements, particularly any form of jumping or impact will cause the bladder to release, either partially or entirely. This can be very embarrassing and many women will stop exercising because of this.

A very useful and important trick for women is kegel exercise. This is often the first step in physio, if the woman is not already doing these exercises as it strengthens the band of muscles, allowing her to regain control. It involves pulling up the muscles that make the pelvic floor and holding them for a few seconds before slowly releasing them. This is then repeated 10 to 20 times slowly and again 10 to 20 times fast.

There are also tools you can buy to help with these exercises. They include weights that hang from the vagina so you can lift them and strengthen the muscles even more. There are also gauges that will give you a reading so you know exactly how strong the vagina muscles are and what progress you are making.

It can take a long time to strengthen these muscles but you should begin to notice a difference within a couple of weeks. They need to be performed every day two or three times. Find a time that fits easily into your day to day life and before you know it you won't even notice that you do them each day. However, you will notice the improvement to your bladder control and your sex life.

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