Fun Facts About Adult Tricycles

By Douglas Fisher

Thanks to baby boomers, certain staples that were once considered obsolete are now making a comeback in modern society. In the case of getting the right amount of exercise and fun, one may want to consider tinkering around with a fun and stable recreational unit. Here are some interesting facts about getting an adult trike.

One is that there are several structures put into their designs. This recreational equipment differs from traditional bicycles mainly because they operate on three wheels. However, certain elements of the device are also taken into consideration like their seating type, handle bar shapes, and their degree of weight support which accommodates various other patients.

To start upright models are usually designed with wide, comfortable seating. This model is a favorite for users who require support for their lower backs. These items are also created so users can have an easier time shifting directions which can be a hassle if a patient is looking to increase their speed. Most manufacturers create upright options with a weight limit between two hundred to three hundred pounds.

Semi recumbent and recumbent models however are designed for persons who are heavier than average. They can usually accommodate to patients who weight somewhere up to four hundred pounds. These models also offer less pressure when one wishes to position their body during exercise since many options include padded platform seats. This makes it an excellent choice for individuals who wish to lose weight without worrying about tipping over.

Next, is that adult sized tricycles offer several health benefits. One of which is exercise which is necessary to help tone the muscles and joints. Aside from these instances, regularly peddling your equipment also gets your heart pumping, thus keeping your blood pressure under control. Additionally, exercise also produces endorphins, the hormone responsible for fighting against stress.

Next, they offer a wide range of health benefits for people of all ages. Nearly everyone can use these devices so long as one can move their limbs with ease. Unfortunately, people are under the impression that these options are for small children or special needs adults which could not be further from the truth. While they mostly accommodate to these people, they can still be used by anyone who is willing to try.

One other fact to consider is that they are a great alternative to traditional bicycles. These specially made devices are not just for people with certain conditions, they can be used by anyone and everyone so long as they are able to move their arms and legs. For children who are still learning how to balance, getting them to try out a tricycle can be a great learning opportunity before they try a two wheel option.

Lastly, they can be covered by few insurance companies. For patients who have Medicare, adult tricycles are classified as DMEs or Durable Medical Equipment which is a therapeutic item that helps promote health and wellness. Nevertheless, to avoid sudden charges, try to first make a request letter that seeks for preapproval before making a purchase. Include some supporting documents like justification from your doctor so your insurance agent can grant you access to picking a unit.

There is no doubt that tricycles offer a lot of health benefits for users of all ages. In order to get the best model out there, remember to do research on the different brands, designs, and whether or not it is approved by your doctor. If you have a preexisting condition, consult with your health care practitioner first before attempting any type of exercise. Stay safe.

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