Why You Might Want To Invest In Soy Products For Hot Flashes

By Barbra Goulet

Hot flashes are never easy to contend with. When these events occur, women can feel like they're burning up from the inside out. This is a problem that typically develops at the cusp of menopause, right when reproduction is winding down and estrogen levels start to plummet. Following are some of the important things that you should know about using Soy Products For Hot Flashes.

It is vital to note that the primary cause of these events is decreased estrogen. As such, you may be tempted to speak with your doctor about receiving hormone therapy. With this, you can use topical products like estrogen creams or you can even use injectable estrogen to gradually replace the hormones that your body is no longer capable of producing.

The major drawback in using injectable or topical estrogen is having to contend with serious side effects. When you get ready to supplement your natural hormones, your doctor will not be able to do this with any real measure of accuracy. There is still a lot that doctors do not understand about hormones. More importantly, a lot of people try to use hormone therapies during a time when their hormones are wildly fluctuating, which makes accurate dosing even harder.

You should also understand that these therapies cause a variety of side effects that have yet to be adequately researched. Even though some studies have been conducted, there is still very little that is known about the ongoing effects of the most recent and most innovative treatments. This makes these products quite high in risk.

Soy is a food that naturally contains estrogen. In order to naturally increase your levels of this hormone, you simply want to obtain more soy. This can be done by eating soy-rich or soy-based foods like edimame or tofu. You can get the greatest benefits, however, by using a soy product that has been strategically designed.

This is something that you definitely want to consider if your adrenal system is not functioning at optimum levels. This is often the case for women who live high-stress lives or who deal with emotional disorders such as chronic anxiety disorder. Your adrenals are meant to replace the estrogen that your body loses later in life by producing natural, estrogen-like chemicals. They can only do this, however, if they are performing well. Whenever a person is in adrenal fatigue or adrenal failure, these chemicals will not be available to promote relief during or after menopause.

You can give your adrenals the best chance to overcome excessive, lifestyle-related stress by using store to increase your internal estrogen levels. It is going to help balance your moods and can provide many other benefits such as offsetting symptoms that occur when you enter menopause. These products are great and they are also a lot safer than starting any type of hormone therapy.

An additional benefit of supplementing with soy products is getting good joint and bone protection. At this time, your joints are not going to be properly lubricated and this can in turn create joint pain. Improving your estrogen levels will reduce your risks of developing osteoporosis so that your bone density levels are not dramatically declining as you grow older.

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