Even The Small Changes You Make Can Contribute To Overall Ocean Conservation

By Peter Stevens

Amazingly enough there are still plenty of climate change deniers out there. They act as though the earth has an unlimited capacity for abuse and neglect. Most reasonable people, who understand that icecaps are melting and sea temperatures are rising, know we have a problem. Even many of the naysayers appreciate that if the oceans are compromised, the human race will be in peril. Ocean conservation is in everyone's best interest.

You don't have to completely change your life to become a responsible steward of the planet. There are simple things you can do everyday, and teach your children to become aware of, that will make a difference. Biking or walking instead of taking a gas powered vehicle to travel just a few blocks, is one way to help. Everyone can remember to turn lights off and thermostats up when they leave for the day.

Plastic is convenient and many people use it without thinking about its impact on the earth. When this material gets in the oceans, it can destroy marine life and last for years. There are actually islands in the Pacific and Atlantic that consist of nothing but the trash left behind by the human species. If you take pains to avoid littering, recycle, use cloth bags for shopping, and reusable water bottles, you will make a difference.

Beaches are great places for vacations and relaxing. When you enjoy time at the beach, you should be very careful to clean up after yourself and your family. When swimming, snorkeling, or diving be cautious about disturbing the wildlife or picking up coral or rocks for souvenirs. If you have a chance to participate in a community beach cleanup, you should take it.

Eating seafood is great as long as you avoid the temptation of delicacies created from endangered wildlife. You should refuse to consider anything in a restaurant or market except sustainable seafood. Coral necklaces, shark's teeth, and tortoiseshell combs are interesting objects in many beach side shops, but purchasing any of them will send the wrong message to your children. You need to explain that exploiting marine populations is not acceptable

Cat and dog owners need to read the labels on the food they feed their pets. You should never buy pet food that lists anything but sustainable seafood among the ingredients. Cat litter is not for flushing, no matter how it is advertised. Wild saltwater fish are not acceptable pets for aquariums, which should never be emptied into open water.

Education is key when it comes to informing the younger generation about the importance of conservation. You are teaching by example when your children see you researching how your political representatives vote on these important issues. Children will notice if you choose to frequent only restaurants that offer sustainable seafood on their menus.

Protecting the earth is everyone's responsibility. For the moment, this is the only planet we have. If we destroy our ability to inhabit it, it won't matter whether you believed in climate change or not.

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