Advantages Of A Strength Training Program Santa Cruz CA For Women

By Roger Cooper

One of the most complicated areas of rugby physical preparation for the average player is how to strength train in season. There are five common problems that I see most often with in season strength training program Santa Cruz CA for rugby. All five can hold you back as a rugby player but luckily for us, they are easily avoidable.

If anything, it is an excessive amount of adipose tissue or fat on a woman that masks her real curves and feminine qualities. Strength training and muscle building can be the solution to re-shaping the figure and burning off that unwanted excess fat. It is out of doubt that excess fat is not what women would like more of if they are trying to look sexier and more attractive.

Rubbish Programming and/or Exercise Selections. While in season might be a time to lower the volume and intensity of your energy training when compared to a phase focused on developing maximal energy, it is certainly not a time to take the easy option. Often the 'easier' or 'safer' exercises people switch to (think leg extensions or leg press vs squats) are far more injurious then the 'difficult' counterpart.

Too Heavy Weights. It is important to realize that just because you maxed out your squat at 200kg during the last week of the off season, it does not mean that 200kg is your current maximum. Once you start your pre-season running that number will fall slightly, possible even more so once contact work begins. This is one reason why percentage based programs are hard to execute in season, while an Auto-regulating approach may be more beneficial (more coming soon).

Also deciding on what it is that you want to work on is a plus. Most people say they want to work on their whole body, and that's a good thing but you can't very well work out your entire body in one session. You need to break things up not only to make it easier for you but to make a definite schedule and work out your whole body evenly.

Not only is strength drilling great for your muscles but it can also do a lot of good for your cardio. Typically you will move in cycles, for example pushups then pull ups then some sit ups followed by some positions you need to hold. This will tire you out and force your heart rate up which is all great for a cardio workout.

A critical factor in dropping pounds and cranking up the metabolic rate is overall fitness levels. The fitter you can become the more calories you can use in exercising and the more calories your body makes use of at rest.

There you have five common problems with in season rugby strength training programs. Avoid them and you will be well on your way success both on and off the field.

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