Attaining A Beneficial Natural Athlete Look Safely Is The Heart Of A Sunblock Tan

By Haywood Hunter

Throughout history, mankind has revered youth, vigor and beauty, and it is still so to this day. The search for the holy grail, means to extend vigor and the pursuit of a sunblock tan are all manifestations on the focus on health. A pithy advertisement states if a good body came in a bottle, everyone would have one, the same is true of a sunblock tan.

To get a true healthy sunblock tan, one must turn to the source of energy for the planet; the sun. In addition to providing the true source of nutrition through photosynthesis, it impacts many other facets of life as well. It is so vital that the most accepted theory for the extinction of the dinosaurs is the temporary blockage of the sun, which was nearly complete a terminal event.

Mankind has long worshipped Deities that represented and controlled the events he could not otherwise understand. Gods of fire, water, earth and the sun demonstrated respect for the critical elements that created earth itself. The sun was particularly revered, and now science is catching up, with evidence indicating the orb affects how man lives and some mechanisms leading to death.

In the days of Descartes, around 1625, the pineal gland, situated deep within the brain, was considered a sort of gateway between the world and the human spirit. The precise function of this gland is as yet still not completely understood beyond its function on releasing melatonin. This hormone has a number of effects in regulating physiology, among them helping one attain that sought after sunblock tan.

People do not need scientists to explain that solar exposure affects man, even without the happiness a sunblock tan can provide, people feel better on sunny days. The chemical reason for this is on bright days the release of melatonin is inhibited when the light reaches the retina. This same chemical aggregates the melanin in the skin which develops into the sunblock tan so many desire.

The affect of the sun goes even deeper, beyond the desire for a sunblock tan, to implications that there its actions can directly promote good health, and a lack of exposure can initiate disease. Specifically, science has discovered a strong correlation between higher latitudes and the incidence of mortality due to multiple sclerosis. The higher the latitude, the less intense the suns rays.

There are also a number of negative effects from exposure to the sun, the most obvious being sunburn, the most dangerous cancer. For most human beings, more than fifteen minutes exposure to direct sunlight begins to damage the surface of the skin. Those seeking a sunblock tan must take care not to overexpose the skin.

Science has determined that the rays are made up of three ultraviolet frequencies known simply as A, B and C. With this knowledge, a number of ointments have been developed for protection. In the pursuit of the perfect degree of sunblock tan, one must carefully use the protection and regulate the length of exposure for best results.

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