Why Soy Products For Menopause Relief Is The Way To Go

By Heather C. Taylor

Most women dread the thought of reaching menopause. This can be attributed to the range of a reduced estrogen level in the body and uncomfortable symptoms. Some of them include decreased sex drive, hot flashes and increased abdominal fat. Therefore, they seek to find a number of ways of preventing this. Most of them have turned to soy products for menopause relief.

During menopause, hot flashes have constantly made such women uncomfortable. In order to deal with this symptom, the goods come in handy. This is because they contain some substances called isoflavens. These are usually plant based substances whose properties can be likened to estrogen. They help in binding carious estrogen receptors in the body of the woman. By so doing, the presence of hot flashes reduces significantly.

Another common symptom associated with menopause is the occasional accumulation of fat in the abdomen. This is quite embarrassing but the good news is that, use of soy products can help the individuals toward controlling this effect. They contain a lower level of saturated fats thereby the fats will not be deposited on the lower abdomen. Its use also improves the overall cardiovascular health.

The other issue has to do with weight loss. These women tend to accumulate more weight especially those who are used to consuming regular milk. Regular milk has plenty of sugar which contributes significantly to addition of weight. However, when soy milk is used this possibility is reduced. Regular milk and soy milk differ as a far as sugar level is concerned therefore, becomes a better option.

For other people, regular use of these products causes an upset in their digestive system. This has been majorly based on the reason that such people use it inappropriately. They probably use it all at once instead of consuming them throughout the day. If you are such a person, it is time to let go of this habit and adopt appropriate ways of consumption.

There is one exception that comes with the use of supplements. The individuals should always stick to whole soy foods because there is not a single proven benefit that using supplements have health benefits. Some people also perceive soy sauce and bean oil contain the soy protein. This is not true in as much as they may bear the same name.

There are various locations which stock these products. People seeking to buy them can get them directly from supermarkets. Additionally, local food stores also stock them. As you shop, be sure to ensure that they are airtight at all times. When going for the canned beans, you need to look for the ones which have neither salt nor other additives. After preparation, they may be stored in the refrigerator. Luckily, they can survive a maximum duration of three days before being rendered unfit for consumption.

One particular safety concern most people fail to recognize is that the beans have an allergen. This is known as goitrogen. It works by interfering with the functionality of the thyroid glands. Women with adverse allergic reactions to the products are advised to look for other was of countering their menopause symptoms. Not heeding to this advice may catapult into adverse complications that may threaten their overall health.

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