Tips About Laser Resurfacing Treatments

By Carolyn Fisher

This type of treatment is favorable for those individuals who suffer from wrinkles, acne or even lines on their faces. The idea behind this is to leave their skin appearing younger than their age. This may be brought about by aging factors, long hours of exposure to the sun or other conditions. In connection to this, the following is information on laser resurfacing treatments.

Laser skin resurfacing works by removing skin carefully layer after layer. The new skin cells which emerge during the healing phase make the face appear tighter and younger. This procedure can be done alone or at times even in combination with different other surgical procedures.

Just like any other type of surgical procedure, it is important for the patients to carry out consultations with either their surgeon or dermatologist. During the session, they are supposed to disclose any relevant information. This includes whether they are prone to cold sores or any kind of blisters. The importance of such revelation is that the laser resurfacing may cause breakouts of the skin in individuals with sensitive skins.

After carrying out proper consultation and the patient chooses to go forward with the procedure, there are issues which they should be aware of. To start with, they should know that any types of medications such as Vitamin E and aspirin are supposed to be avoided. This is because they lead to a slow clotting process. Smokers are also advised to refrain from cigarettes two weeks before and after the surgery as this makes the healing process be extremely slow.

Laser resurfacing is usually done by a surgeon or dermatologist. It is a one-day affair, meaning that the patient is free to go home when it is done. This doctor may treat small parts such as wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, and mouth; a process which takes around forty five minutes. Here, these professionals will just numb the affected area. A full anesthesia is usually required when the procedure is to be carried out on the entire face, a procedure which takes around two hours.

The treated areas are usually bandaged after the procedure is done. After a period of twenty-four hours, the bandages should be removed and the areas cleaned four to five times a day. Ointment is then applied to avoid the formation of scabs. It is important to note that swelling is absolutely normal in this case. It may however be reduced if one sleeps on an extra pillow at night.

Most patients complain of experiencing an itchy sensation for about three days after the surgery. The skin may also appear to peel every now and then. The healing process may take a period of between ten days to one month depending on how complex the procedure was. Once one is done healing, they are recommended to use makeup which is devoid of oil to reduce redness which will disappear on its own in three months.

To sum up the above, although laser resurfacing treatment does not lead to a perfect skin, it improves its appearance. Potential risks include burns due to the heat, scarring, difference in skin pigmentation and bacterial infection. This is why it is important to have a medical evaluation before undertaking the treatment.

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