Some Information Related To Liposuction Northwest Indiana Residents Should Have

By Brenda Murphy

Liposuction (or lipoplasty) is a procedure that is performed mainly for cosmetic purposes. It entails redistribution of body fat by removing it from areas where it is unsightly to areas and discarding it or implanting it in other areas. The regions from which it is usually harvested include the thighs, neck, hips and tummy. There is important information on liposuction northwest Indiana clients need to have if they plan to have the surgery.

It is recommend that this procedure be offered to persons that have tried other methods of losing fat but have been unsuccessful. They need to have a body mass index of at least 40 except if they have a cardiovascular or metabolic condition attributable to excessive weight. In this case, lower BMI values of between 35 and 40 are acceptable.

The details on how to prepare will be issued by your surgeon. Just as a precaution, there are some things that you need to stop doing in the few weeks leading up to the operation. One of them is to stop smoking since the nicotine contained in the tobacco may delay wound healing. Avoid aspirin and blood thinners as these may increase the chances of bleeding.

There are various techniques that are used in lipoplasty. The first is known as tumescent lipoplasty. This involves using a local anesthetic solution to constrict vessels. When the solution is injected into the area of interest surgery can be done with minimal blood loss. Another technique that may be employed is suction-assisted lipoplasty. This technique relies on a suction force to remove the fat cells. Other methods that may be used include laser and ultrasound.

Immediately after the operation, you may notice the drainage of serous fluids from the wound. This should not worry you as it stops within a few days. It is common for some surgeons to insert drainage tubes within the wounds and to remove them as soon as they have served their purpose. You need to put on tight clothing for a few weeks to help with apposition of skin. These may be provided by your surgeon or you may have to buy earlier.

Immediately after the lipoplasty procedure, one may see oozing from the wound which continues for a number of days. In some cases, surgeons fix a tube in the wound to facilitate the drainage. The amount of fluid reduces with time and it stops to ooze eventually. It is advisable that one puts on tight clothing for the best results. The cloths may be provided by the facility or you may have to buy your own.

Complications are rare with this operation. The possible complications in the short term include bleeding, reaction to anesthetic drugs, bleeding, damage to underlying organs, accumulation of fluids and blood under the skin and infections. Some of the long term complications include scar tissue formation and unsatisfactory results for some clients who demand additional procedures. Ensure that you contact your doctor if you get any of these complications.

Although the results of the procedure are considered permanent, there are a number of things that you need to do to maintain your new look. Engaging in regular physical activity is among the most important. It will help you prevent unnecessary accumulation of fat. The next important thing is to have a healthy, well-balanced diet.

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