Important Tips On How To Use The Best Self Tanners Evenly

By Haywood Hunter

Nowadays, many people are switching from the use of tan beds and sun tanning to application of sunless tan products because of their safety benefits. With best self tanners, they can help transform your skin to a golden look. But, sunless tanners come in many types and you need to use the right substance for your skin. Many people have realized the usefulness of sunless tan products, however there is need for these tanners to be applied properly.

The good thing about the lotions is that their fragrance and tint are capable of lasting for longer periods. Before applying a tanner lotion, you have to exfoliate your skin. The essence of exfoliating is to do away with dead skin present on the skin surface. It also removes oils on skin. If you do not want your skin to be blotched and have uneven tan, then do not skip this step.

Spend more time exfoliating the elbows, knees, as well as the ankles. These body parts have thick, dry and rough skin surface. It takes more time eliminating dead skin cells from these body sections. The next step is drying of your skin. The purpose for doing this is to make the dermis fit for application of an even tan.

When you apply the self tanner, massage it in a circular motion. Ensure that you reach out to the ankles and wrist too. Most people are not familiar with the fact that hands ought to be washed every time they finish applying lotions on body. A cleaning detergent and water is best for this purpose. If you want to avoid orange palms, then wash your hands.

People who fail to exfoliate their skin risk blotching and ending up with uneven tan. Certain body sections such as the elbows, knees, and the ankles require more time while exfoliating. They are composed of thick, dry, and rough surfaces and hence demand more time while eliminating the cells and oils.

Washing hands will help avoid palms from turning orange. Using gloves or loofahs is also a wise idea. However, this should be done before tanner application. Make it a habit to always dilute the tan before massaging your joints. After the tan, you may now dress. However, remember to leave your skin surface to dry for about 10 minutes before dressing.

To dilute the tanner, you only require to lightly rub with a dampened towel. You may also apply a thin layer of lotion on top of the self-tanner. When done, allow the skin to dry out for about 10 minutes before you dress up. Only light and loose clothing need to be used after you have tanned the skin. Sweating should be avoided as much as possible.

One thing not worth forgetting is that the tanner may need to be diluted with use of a moisturizer. Take a quick shower in case you end up with some orange stains. Alternatively, you may also add a few milk cupfuls to the bath water. Any residue cream on your body should be ousted. This is because the cream can harbor the body from fully absorbing the tanner.

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