Tips For Using Self Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Getting a natural tan without using the sun is possible nowadays. There are many fine products on the market that can give you a tan overnight or in just a few hours time. However, if you are new to self tanning lotion there are some things that you should be aware of. Here is information to help you get the kind of tan that will make your friends envious.

Don't expect miracles with these kinds of products. The human skin is a living, breathing, dynamic organ, and is constantly renewing itself. Nothing will last for months at a time. In fact, you may need to re-apply your suntan cream about once a week or so. This insures that your tan looks good all year long.

Many people get the best results with their suntan products when they use them in the morning. When you apply right before going to bed, there is a good chance that you will rub off some of the lotion as you sleep at night. You may stain your bedding too. Also, it is best to apply after showering in the morning. If you shower in the evening (after AM application) you might rub away some of the tan as you scrub your body.

Many people fail to realize that sunless products may emit strong odors. However, some are much milder and more pleasant than others. If you read online reviews, look for products that have pleasant odors that do not last for an extended period of time. This will make the process of application more pleasurable.

Maybe you enjoy swimming and you might have your own pool. Make sure that you buy creams that are waterproof. However, even water resistant products may wear off quickly. If you swim every day you may need to re-apply more times than you think. In fact, you might have to re-apply every two or three days, to keep your tan looking good.

You may be sensitive or allergic to some kinds of lotions. Look for products that are natural and do not contain a lot of chemicals. Also, try a small area of the body first. For instance, you might apply a small amount to the inside of the arm of perhaps on the shoulder. If your skin becomes irritated, you should not use the cream on the rest of your body.

Skin exfoliation is usually recommended before applying self suntan lotions. This is the best way to get a tan that is even all over. You may exfoliate with shower sponges or wash cloths. Also, top companies also make exfoliant products to be used with their lotions, and this may be the best choice. Remember also to choose a lotion that contains natural skin moisturizers, to keep skin soft.

When you shop for a self tanning product do not let price be the main factor. You might save a lot of money with some lotions, but they may have a strong toxic odor. Also, some lotions may turn the skin orange and easily develop streaks in your tan. High quality products like the ones from Sun Laboratories may not be the cheapest, but you can be assured of excellent results.

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